Bit of a Bitch Pt. 02

*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.

**Disclaimers: This story has been edited by myself, utilizing Microsoft Spell-Check. You have been forewarned; expect to find mistakes. If that fact bothers you, then quit reading now.

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Laci Meyers came to, a horrible taste in her mouth and an incessant pounding in her head. She tried to open her eyes and couldn't. Her jaws ached; Laci had a bad habit of grinding her teeth in her sleep.

Her bladder was full. Her bladder threatened to explode at any moment. The tempurpedic mattress was soft, yielding and comforting. That plushness did not lend itself to a speedy exit, though.

Laci almost screamed when she realized that there was an arm across her middle. There was also a warm, hard body behind her, pressing against her. There were bits and pieces of the warm, hard form touching against bits and pieces of her nude body.

"I'm naked!?" Laci realized.

She also realized that the warm hard body was her baba. It was his muscled arm across her middle, touching her nude body. Again, Laci felt panic welling up inside of her; those warm bits and pieces of flesh touching her nude bits and pieces of flesh were also nude; Baba was naked. Baba was naked, lying in bed with her and touching her naked body.

The need, the urgency to pee was overwhelming now. Laci finally forced her eyes open but that didn't help as the room was pitch black. Baba had put light-blocking curtains on the windows of their apartment.

Laci bit back her scream of frustration as she tried to wiggle to the edge of the mattress. Finally, she did break free of Baba's arm. With a real urgency now, she made her way out from under the blanket and comforter and flat sheet to the edge of the mattress.

Laci's bladder nearly burst as she stepped onto the floor; obviously this bed was a few inches taller than her bed at home. She stumbled, then righted herself with the help of the low dresser.

"Shit, door, door, door," Laci muttered and opened the closet door. "Damn it! Door, door, door, Jesus, Baba, where's the door?"

Laci was sure she was going to pee on herself by the time she found the door of the room. Turning right, she found the kitchen. Turning left, she finally found the door of the bathroom. Rushing in, Laci was grateful for the nightlight that softly illuminated the way to the commode.

"Oh God," Laci gasped as she released a torrent of urine into the bowl.

Sitting upright hurt her head. Leaning forward made her nauseous. Finally, the flood of urine ceased and Laci slumped against the wall, relieved.

"Lace, come on, huh?" Bruce said, jostling her, waking her from her nap.

"Go away, butt head," Laci complained, shutting her eyes against the harsh bathroom light.

"Laci, come on; I'm about to pee on myself here," Bruce complained.

"Baba!" Laci shrieked, trying to cover her nude body with her hands. "Go away! I'm, I'm naked!"

"And? Me too, come on, move," Bruce said.

Laci looked up and almost shrieked again. Bruce Thompson, her cousin was indeed unclothed. His chest was broad and muscled; he even had a few sprigs of light brown chest hairs. A trail of hairs travelled down to his belly, down over his crotch.

Laci had seen pornography, had also looked through the medical tomes of the school library. Pictures and videos didn't compare with the sight of Bruce's very real penis and testicles. Laci stared at his thick member as she blotted her pussy dry.

"'Bout time, butt hole," Bruce teased her as she wiggled off of the toilet.

"Baba! I'm right here, right here," Laci complained again as Bruce did not wait for her to finish washing her hands before lifting the toilet seat and losing a very noisy torrent of urine into the bowl.

"And? Lace, we live together now; we're going see each other a lot," Bruce said. "Means, we're going see stuff we don't want see."

"And, why are we naked?" Laci demanded, covering her breasts with her right forearm and her pussy with her left hand.

"Uh? Truth or dare?" Bruce asked, giving his cock a shake.

"Truth or what?" Laci asked.

"Last night? After what, second or third drink? You wanted to play truth or dare," Bruce said, wiping the rim of the bowl with a wad of toilet paper, then flushing the commode.

"And?" Laci asked, still covering her breasts with her forearm and her pubic hair with her left hand.

"I said 'dare' and you dared me get naked. So, of course, first time you said dare, after like a million truths in a row, I dared you get naked," Bruce said, washing his hands.

"And then what'd we do?" Laci asked quietly, dreading the answer.

"Nothing; you got really stupid drunk and then passed out," Bruce admitted, patting his hands dry.

"So what we going do now?" Laci asked.

"I'm going back to bed; you can stay up you want to," Bruce said and left the bathroom.

Laci followed Bruce's tight backside back to their bedroom. She got into bed again and wiggled underneath the fluffy blanket and comforter. She stayed as far away from Bruce as the bed would allow.

The taste in her mouth was horrendous. Her jaw ached; apparently she'd been grinding her teeth again. Thankfully, her headache was just a dull throb now.

Cinnamon rolls. Laci smelled cinnamon rolls. She remembered picking up the tube and begging and pleading and whining with Baba for them. He had smiled and grabbed the six pack of Burns & Burns Supreme Cinnamon Rolls.

"They're going suck," Laci had muttered. "These are the Pillsbury; we know Pillsbury's the best."

"These suck? I'll come back and get the Pillsbury," Bruce had promised.

Laci turned on the bedside lamp and squinted at the harsh light. She found the dresser drawer that held her tee shirts and pulled out a pale pink tee shirt. She wiggled into the shirt, then found a pair of pink panties. They were nylon; felt silky, sexy on her. Her last act was to find her Tigger slippers, right there at the edge of the bed.

"Aw, was going bring you breakfast in bed," Bruce smiled when Laci shuffled into the kitchen.

"Oh. Okay," Laci giggled and hurried back to the bedroom.

She quickly got into the bed and feigned sleep. Bruce entered the room a moment later and put the wooden tray onto the low dresser.

"Hey, sleepy head," Bruce crooned into her ear

"Hmm? Oh! Is it morning already?" Laci asked, stretching.

"Uh, yeah," Bruce said, eyes firmly on Laci's tee shirt clad breasts.

Laci sat up and arranged her pillows. Bruce placed the wooden tray across her legs and kissed her softly on her lips. She smiled up at him and craned for a second kiss.

"Love you, Baba," Laci said, grabbing the mug of coffee.

"Careful; that's hot," Bruce cautioned.

"Coffee? Is hot?" Laci asked, face a mask of shock.

"Smart ass," Bruce chuckled.

"Rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass," Laci retorted.

"Uh huh; the dumb ass was one got up and made the coffee, right?" Bruce asked, leaving the bedroom.

"Never said that," Laci defended. "Hey! Why's there only half a roll here?"

"Five to a can; we get two and a half each, butt hole," Bruce replied, entering the bedroom again with his own tray in hand.

"Pillsbury's got six in a can; we'd both get three each if you'd gotten the ones I wanted," Laci insisted.

"You still hungry after that? I'll make you some more," Bruce promised.

Laci wolfed her two and a half rolls down. Bruce took his time, eating two of the rolls. He then offered Laci the other half of the last roll.

"Love you Baba," Laci said, chewing the roll happily.

"Still hungry?" Bruce asked.

"No," Laci admitted.

"Good thing," Bruce said, grabbing their trays. "Would have told you where the kitchen is."

Laci watched his tight looking backside as he left their bedroom. He had put on a pair of flannel shorts at some point, probably when he'd gotten out of bed to cook their breakfast. When he returned, Laci could see, just barely, the head of his cock sticking out the left leg of the baggy shorts.

"Going lay in bed all day?" Bruce teased.

"Probably; why? What you want do?" Laci asked, again rearranging the pillows so she could lie back down.

"Nothing," Bruce agreed, getting into their bed again.

"Come hold me," Laci demanded, turning off her bedside lamp.

Bruce snuggled against Laci, his chest to her back. He draped his arm over her middle.

"Oh," Laci sighed when Bruce's lips touched her neck, right where neck and shoulder met.

"Oh, Baba," Laci moaned as Bruce lightly bit down on her neck.

She grabbed his hand and moved his hand up to her breasts. She shuddered as his teeth lightly nipped at her neck again. She ground her teeth as his thumb and forefinger pinched and tugged at her nipple.

"Oh, how'd you know I like...?" Laci moaned, feeling her pussy spasm and contract with the sensation his fingers were causing in her nipple.

"Truth or dare; you told me that's what you do when you do yourself," Bruce admitted.

"Oh, God! What else I told you?" Laci groaned, embarrassed.

"You think April March's a bit of a bitch, but you'd do her," Bruce said.

"Baba! I did not!" Laci squealed. "Baba! You making that up!"

"I'm lying I'm dying," Bruce said and nibbled along her shoulder, through the thin cotton of her snug tee shirt.

"I really done that?" Laci asked, truly horrified.

"Uh huh," Bruce said, his hand leaving her breast and travelling down over her soft belly.

"And what'd you say when I told you that?" Laci whispered, face burning.

"Asked if I could watch y'all," Bruce said, finding Laci's hand was already down the front of her panties.

"Aw God," Laci hissed in orgasm. "What else? What else I tell you?"

"Was about it," Bruce said. "Remember; we was both pretty drunk by that time."

"Jesus!" Laci screamed out as Bruce's fingers moved her fingers aside. "Don't, Baba don't, oh God, yes, right there, augh!"

Laci tensed when Bruce's fingers diddled her fat clitoris for a moment. He stopped when she crested in orgasm. Then, when her breathing returned to normal, she felt his fingers gently traced up and down her plump wet lips. She tensed when his fingers found her ready clitoris.

"Aw, God, Bab," Laci grunted as her cousin's fingers brought her to orgasm again.

She reached behind herself and found Bruce's waistband. She reached inside of his flannel shorts and combed her fingers over his stiff pubic hair.

'Oh God!" Laci grunted when she found his thick manhood, hard and throbbing.

His manhood was very warm to the touch. The skin was velvet soft, but Laci could feel the hardness just underneath the soft skin. She tried to fit her fingers around the column of flesh.

Laci pushed the flannel material of Bruce's shorts down, freeing the large member. She gripped the hard length and slowly rubbed the head of Bruce's cock up and down along her nylon clad buttocks. She felt a shiver run through her body as she pressed his manhood at that space between her thighs. Her panties were the only thing preventing her Baba from entering her virgin pussy.

"Laci, I'm about to..." Bruce grunted, then stiffened.

Laci squealed when she felt a warmth spreading across her nylon clad buttocks. The cloying wetness pooled against her bare thighs.

"Baba, you, did you just..." Laci demanded, moving her hands up and down his throbbing manhood.

"Uh huh," Bruce admitted. "Told you I was 'bout to."

Laci gathered some of Bruce's semen on her fingers then brought the fingers to her mouth. She smelled her fingers, then sucked his semen from her fingers. She grimaced; it was a very bitter, salty tasting substance.

"Oh, shit! I need brush my teeth," Laci suddenly exclaimed and wiggled out of the bed.

"God, what's so important about..." Bruce inquired.

"I take my pill when I brush my teeth," Laci said.

"Oh shit, go brush your teeth," Bruce agreed.

Laci found her purse and took her pill. Then she did brush her teeth. She grimaced in discomfort; Bruce's semen was cooling rapidly against her nylon panties and it was an uncomfortable feeling.

With a shrug, she wiggled out of the panties. Then she wiggled out of her tee shirt. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Laci appraised her body.

"Fat, fat, fat," she huffed.

"You are not fat; you're perfect," Bruce corrected, strolling past the bathroom. "You seen the charger for my phone?"

"I haven't seen mine; why would I know where yours is?" Laci asked, embarrassed at being caught talking to herself.

"'Bout ready for lunch?" Bruce asked, holding up the charger for her phone.

"Yeah; what we having?" Laci asked.

He made them hot roast beef sandwiches, open-faced. Laci made herself a peach vodka and cola drink to go with her lunch. After a moment, Bruce shrugged and made himself a peach and cola drink as well.

"So, um, want to play some more truth or dare?" Laci asked, emboldened by the alcohol now coursing through her system.

"Okay, Laci, truth or dare?" Bruce asked, putting their dishes into the dishwasher.

"Um, truth," Laci squeaked out; she tried very hard to say 'dare' but chickened out at the last second.

"April was here right now, what would you make her do?" Bruce asked, sitting back down at the table.

Laci ground her teeth. Apparently, her Baba knew her too well. He did not ask Laci, 'what would you do to her?' He asked 'what would you make her do?' He knew Laci would not be the servant; she would be the served.

"First thing? I'd make her kiss, you know, tongue," Laci admitted. "God! Why'd I tell you I'd do her?"

"You said truth and I asked you who you'd do, other than me," Bruce admitted.

"Oh God, and I said..." Laci groaned. "Oh, okay, um, Baba, truth or dare."

"What? You just asked me a question," Bruce laughed. "But, okay, truth."

"I told you, you can do whatever you want to me, what would you do?" Laci asked, draining her far too strong drink.

"Told you that last night," Bruce said. "But, okay, I'll tell you again. I'd want to you know, do you, up your butt."

"Up my...Baba! Really? Ew, that is so, up my, Jesus, my big fat butt?" Laci protested loudly.

"Same thing you said last night," Bruce laughed. "Yeah, God, Lace, you got, your butt is just so perfect."

"It's too fat," Laci weakly argued.

"Uh huh, whatever," Bruce shook his head. "Okay, Laci, truth or dare."

"Truth, Laci said again, even as she wanted to say dare.

"Same question. I told you, you could do anything to me, anything at all, what would you do?" Bruce asked.

"I'd make you eat my pussy until I had like a hundred orgasms," Laci said immediately.

"A hundred! Damn, think my tongue would fall off," Bruce laughed. "Want another drink?"

"I'll get it," Laci said, getting to her feet. "Okay, Baba, truth or dare."

"Dare," Bruce said.

Laci lurched. She paused in pouring the vodka into the tall goblet.

Did she dare, did she dare ask him to put his mouth on her? She could feel her thighs becoming quite wet with her excitement.

"Eat me," Laci demanded, putting the bottle down with a heavy thud.

"Not to no hundred orgasms," Bruce argued.

"No, to just one," Laci agreed, hurrying back to her kitchen chair.

Bruce easily wheeled the kitchen chair out from under the table. Laci spread her legs, putting her heavy thighs on the padded arms of the chair. She watched Bruce's cock twitch and bob as he knelt on the floor in from of her.

"Shit!" Laci grunted when she felt his hot breath blowing across her overheated lips.

"Augh!" she cried out when Bruce's thick tongue swiped up and down her inner lips.

"Oh shit, augh!" Laci cried out when Bruce's tongue slapped against her clitoris.

Bruce knelt on the hard linoleum floor and lapped up and down Laci's fragrant lips. He flattened his tongue to cover as much of her area as possible. Then he used his thumbs to pull her inner lips open. Blindly, he sought for her clitoris with the tip of his tongue.

"Oh my God!" Laci cried out in orgasm.

Bruce licked Laci for a few moments, until she again tensed in orgasm. Weakly, she pushed his head from between her legs. He sat back and smiled as Laci attempted to pull her thighs off of the arms of the chair.

"That was, oh Baba, I love you so much," Laci wheezed out.

"Still want to play..." Bruce asked.

Laci got to wobbly legs. She pushed her chair underneath the table and weakly wobbled to their bedroom.

"Coming?" she asked at the door of their room.

Bruce prepared her drink, then refreshed his own. He carried both into their bedroom and almost laughed.

Laci had suddenly become shy and now hid in their bed, covers firmly pulled up to her chin. He smiled and walked around to her side of the bed. He softly placed her drink onto the coaster on her nightstand. He leaned over and softly kissed her lips. Then he clicked the bedside lamp off.

"Love you, Baba," Laci quietly whispered when the room plunged into darkness.

"Love you too, Lace," Bruce agreed, crawling into the bed.

"You want, you want me put my mouth on your thing?" Laci asked when Bruce wiggled to lie next to her.

"Sure," Bruce agreed. "But, no, we don't got do that right now, huh?"

"I mean, you just..." Laci said.

Bruce's kiss silenced the words. He pulled her tightly against him as his hands roamed up and down her smooth back, along her ribcage, then firmly squeezing her full buttocks.

Laci could feel Bruce's erection poking against her soft belly. She could feel Bruce's muscled arms and his powerful hands against her flesh. For a moment, she panicked; he was so strong, so much stronger than her, so much larger than her.

Then Laci sagged, giving in to the feelings of being dominated. She became fluid, molding her flesh against his hard, firm body.

"Oh God, Baba, yes," Laci cried out.

She felt him enter her. There was a momentary pinch, just a slight twinge of discomfort as her hymen gave way to his intruding cock. She gasped out as he pushed into her, filling her.

"I'm hurting you?" Bruce whispered.

"No, augh, oh no, Baba, no," Laci grunted.

She felt his coarse pubic hair resting firmly against her splayed inner lips. She knew he was fully imbedded inside of her. Her legs wound themselves around his hips. Her arms clutched his chest to rest firmly against her.

"Oh, yes," Laci hissed out as Bruce instinctively began the rocking and thrusting of sexual intercourse.

"Oh my God!" Laci howled out when her first orgasm welled up inside of her.

She thrust her hips against him, babbling and cursing as he pounded into her. She screamed again as a second, more powerful orgasm crested.

"Aieegh!" she howled when she felt Bruce's semen flooding into her pussy.

She clung desperately to him as he tried to disentangle himself from her. She kissed frantically at his face, trying to follow him, trying to keep his cock fully imbedded in her pussy.

Bruce did manage to dismount; he gently told Laci he had to pee. She drained her glass in one long swallow. When he returned to their bedroom, Laci wiggled to his side of the bed and tried to pull him on top of her again.

"Want me put my mouth on it?" she offered, noticing that his cock was only at half-mast.

"Sure," Bruce said, gently nudging her over so he could roll onto his back.

Laci eagerly knelt on the bed and gripped his cock in her fist. She bent her head and began softly licking around the mushroom shaped head of his cock.

"Mm hmm," Bruce agreed as Laci sank her warm, wet mouth over the head of his meat.

Laci bobbed her head up and down while stroking his length with her fist. The taste was of soap and Laci realized that Baba had cleaned himself before returning to their bedroom.

She determined that his cock was fully erect and released him with an audible pop. Then she swung her leg over and straddled his narrow hips.

"Augh, oh!" Laci hissed out as Baba's fat cock again entered her pussy.r"


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