Hubby Asked

This story is my own work. I submit for publication only on Literotica. It is not to be reproduced or published on any other site, any other format, or under any other name. Warning: It's a long one, over 13,500 words.

Ok, so I'm dipping my toe into the LW category for the first time. This is not a BTB, RAAC, or Cuckold Humiliation story, so if that's what you want, please keep browsing the LW Hub--there are some great stories and wonderful writers here. This is a story about a loving couple deciding to share on one very special occasion. I know that haters gonna hate, and that's fine. It's your right. But if you want to leave negative comments, please try to explain them intelligently. I'm always up for constructive criticism from other Lit authors and members, especially those with profiles.

I write for fun and pleasure and I don't have an editor here, although I've reached out to several. Most comments that I read on other stories about the need to get an editor really mean a proofreader. I proofread my stories as carefully as I can; however, I suck at proofing my own stuff. I work really hard on it and, no matter how diligent I try to be, I always find some mistakes after the story is published. Usually, I find a few more than those who point them out in the comments find. Please don't feel a need to nitpick and try to not to let a few typos or misspellings ruin the experience.

Everyone in the story is over 18.

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to individuals living or dead is purely coincidental.


"God yesss baby don't stop, please don't stop I'm almost there" I said as I bounced up and down on my hubby's beautiful cock. "PLEASE DON'T ST...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as my orgasm hit. My explosion touched off his and mine extended until after Greg finished unloading in me. It was a beautiful climax, just like always.


I leaned in to kiss him, still a trembling mess, as he gently stroked my long, honey brown hair bringing me slowly back to reality. His semi-hard cock was still in my excited pussy.

God I love riding my Greg. His cock is such a perfect fit. When he fucks me he knows just where to aim his cock, when to go easy, and when to pound me as hard as he can. He's just big enough to bottom out, and he knows how not to hurt me. When I ride him, he's always so stiff and hard and he's often able to thrust up with me and match my rhythm perfectly. His girth stretches me just to the point of being almost painful, but the only thing I feel is pleasure. He instinctively knows when to treat me gently and lovingly and when to use me like his whore. He knows that I love both and everything fun, flirty, and naughty in between. And if that isn't enough, he's the funniest, most loving, and tender man I've ever met both in and out of the bedroom. He also loves it when I take charge, which I occasionally like to do. Sex, like all other aspects of our lives, is a true partnership.

I had my share of lovers before we met, two had monster cocks that convinced me that I'd never be a "size queen"--ugh they hurt! What fun is a cock that you can't get your mouth around anyway? Some guys I dated were about the same size and most were smaller than my Greg. None, not a single one, could ever satisfy me with his dick like Greg. I won't even get into what that man can do with his hands, fingers, and tongue--and even once with his elbow (I'll leave that one to your imagination ;)

I leaned over and locked lips with my honey and realized he was still hard (one of his very best qualities). I started moving again, this time, using his cock like a joystick with my neatly trimmed pussy.

"Babe, babe, babe! We don't have time," Greg said. "Mikey should be here very soon. You need to get another shower. We can't go to Taqueria Latina! smelling like a porn theater."

"Join me?" I asked with a wicked grin holding my perky 34b's in my palms in what only could be interpreted as an engraved invitation.

"Then we'll never be finished woman! You know what your wet body does to me!" He smiled that dazzling smile. It was the first thing I noticed about him when we met. It melted me. With one look I knew I wanted him. After we spoke for about ten minutes I knew that I'd found HIM. THE ONE. MY SOULMATE.

"OK, OK, I'm going" I pouted, "but even with Mikey here tonight, I'm going to get some more of that love from you babe, even if I have to chew through the pillow and mattress to keep quiet." Greg just chuckled at that.

Should I point out that I get a bit loud when we fuck? I'm loud when we make love too because Greg is the best, most considerate, and most imaginative lover I've ever had and the orgasms he gives me make me scream to the heavens. And from what all of my girlfriends have told me about their fuck buddies, lovers, and husbands over the years, I suspect he's one of the best on the planet.

I'm a lucky girl!

As I stepped into the hot shower, I heard Greg come in and pee. He's so considerate, he didn't even flush! I heard him running water in the basin and figured he was doing a quick wash up. God men have it easy. We leak all day after sex and all they need is a quick wipe and they're ready to go. I smiled as I showered. If Mikey wasn't coming over, I'd keep Greg's cum in my pussy all evening and let him fill it up over and over.

That's usually how our weekends go. We both work long, hard hours, but normally have weekends off. So during the week, it's work, dinner, and quick sweet love or a nice hard fuck at night. Weekends and holidays, however, are sextravaganzas! We've read the Kama Sutra, lots of stories on erotic websites, and have watched a lot of porn for ideas. It's amazing the stuff two people can do to keep their monogamous relationship fresh! I'll admit to being a bit bi-curious, but not to the extent that I would risk my relationship. Greg has no interest in a threesome, so I guess I won't ever experience Sapphic love. Meh, I'm not THAT curious. Not bad for a couple that's been together for almost twelve years and married for ten eh? Don't be jealous! You can have that too if you want. Just love your spouse and get rid of all of your inhibitions and hang ups. I guarantee if you do, and you learn to communicate, fidelity will never be a problem. It's never been one for us and we're both sure that it never will be. And, oh my am I satisfied! I know, I've already made that point!

I came out of the shower wrapped in a towel using another to dry my hair.

Greg was sitting on the bed with a sad look on his face.

"What's wrong honey?" I asked.

"It's fucking Jeff," his boss. "He needs me to go check on the job in Phoenix right away. It appears that the client is pissed. He won't work with Jose and wants only Jeff or me to solve the problem."

"Can't Jeff go?" I asked the obvious question.

"No, his granddaughter just got engaged and she's visiting this weekend with her fiance. They're meeting Jeff and Marian for the first time."

I don't think I've ever seen Greg look so miserable.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. I know you have been looking so forward to this weekend with Mikey before he ships out."

Mikey is Greg's baby brother. They're extremely close even though Greg is thirty-four and Mike's only nineteen. Their parents were killed when Greg was in college and Mikey was in grade school (his parents planned to have only one child, but a wild weekend and too many margaritas....) Mikey lived with an aunt until he started middle school and transferred to the military boarding school that Greg had attended until he graduated from high school. Greg was Mikey's legal guardian and we did want to keep him with us, but he wanted try the boarding school since he idolized Greg and wanted to do everything the way his big brother did. To be honest, they had a much better support system there than we could have provided as a young couple. During his last year of high school he enlisted in the Marines and went to Parris Island right after graduation.

We didn't see Mikey a lot during his last years at the boarding school. Holidays and a few weekends here and there kept us close. Too bad we didn't have Skype back then.

I met Greg in college and we married right after he graduated. We're still living in their parents house, saving money until we're ready to buy our own. Before Mikey turned eighteen, we had a long talk about what to do with the house and all agreed that we'd stay in it until Mikey finished his service. Now Mikey had just completed his training and was being deployed to the Middle East. We've been paying "rent" to Mikey in an escrow account since we moved in. We'd sell the house and split the profit and turn over the escrowed rent whenever Mikey decided to return to civilian life.

I looked over at Greg, and for the first time in my life I saw tears in his eyes. I took him in my arms and drew him into my loving embrace whispering tenderly "when do you have to leave?"

"I'm on the next flight out. I have to leave for the airport in about an hour." He seemed so miserable.

Just then his phone buzzed. He brightened a little. "Mikey just got of the Interstate, he should be here in a few minutes."

I breathed a small sigh of relief. At least the brothers could see each other and hug before Mikey shipped out.

I slipped into some white bikini panties and a sensible bra and donned my navy blue floral sundress that is Greg's favorite. We went downstairs to wait for Mike.

"Don't worry baby. I'll keep Mikey occupied, you know we get along great. If you can get back by Sunday afternoon, we can see him off together Sunday evening."

He pulled me in for a deep kiss. "I know you will babe. I'm sorry we won't even have time for a proper goodbye. Jeff already has my return flight scheduled. I get in around noon on Sunday, so I should be back here by 1:00.

"You'll get to see him at least and have a short visit on Sunday" I offered.

Greg smiled wickedly. "I wasn't talking about Mikey." He laughed and kissed me deep.

I know I've said this already in so many words, but I have to repeat it--Greg and I had a great sex life! No. Not great. FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE! I know, I'm bragging! I'll stop...maybe.

"Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time for fun when you get back. Maybe if Mikey has a bit too much to drink and goes to bed early, we can have phone sex later tonight or tomorrow night" I said with a wink.

"MMMMMM" he moaned. "I fucking love you Chelsea.

"I love you too baby."

Just then the door opened. Mikey still had his keys.

"Jeez, get a room! Can you two ever keep your hands off of each other?"

"Mikey!" I squealed and jumped into his arms. I hugged him tight and gave him a big kiss on the cheek and another quick peck on the lips.

"C'mere dipshit" Greg said with a smile and the two commenced a bro hug.

I went into the kitchen to fix us some lemonade, leaving the boys alone for the precious few minutes they had together. I made a mental note to tear Jeff a new one next time I saw him. He could easily have rescheduled the meeting with his granddaughter. Mikey was going to an extremely dangerous place and there was a chance that he'd never come back. Since the war started about the time Mikey enlisted Greg and I have been on pins and needles. When he informed us that he was being deployed, both been sick with worry. I'm sure it won't abate for the entire duration of his tour.

I brought the lemonade in in just enough time for Greg to have a glass before he hit the road.

Greg drained his lemonade and said "I hate to do this bro, but I really have to go now."

"Wait. What?" Mikey asked.

Greg quickly explained the situation and apologized. Mikey, being the great guy that he is, understood.

The brothers embraced. Greg had tears in his eyes when he said "I'm so sorry I have to cut this weekend short. I love you Michael."

Mikey hugged his brother tight, straightened his shoulders and said "I'll do my best. I love you too Gregory."

I gave Greg another kiss and we watched him get into his truck and drive away for the half hour trip to the airport.

"So Mikey, how are you?" I asked and took a sip of my lemonade.

"I'm great Sis" he responded. "I'm really looking forward to the deployment. I've been training non-stop and I can't wait to step up and serve my country. It's only been three years, but every night I still see those towers falling. I'm happy to do my part to keep the country safe."

"We're both so proud of you Mike." I answered, not mentioning how terrified Greg and I were for his safety.

"Thanks Sis. I'm proud of you guys too. Greg's the greatest brother, always has been. And you, well, I couldn't ask for a better Sis!"

We smiled lovingly at each other.

Just then my cell rang.

It was Greg.

"Hey baby, did you forget something?"

"No," he answered. "I need to talk with you privately Chelsea. Can you discreetly excuse yourself from Mikey and go upstairs for a minute?" he asked in a nervous tone.

"Mikey, Greg wants me to look for something in our bedroom, I'll be right back" I explained.

I walked upstairs and closed the door.

"What's up babe? Why the cloak and dagger?" I asked with genuine concern.

Greg hemmed and hawed a bit. "I have to ask you for an important favor love."

"Name it! You know you can count on me honey."

"I know, I know" he replied "but this is a bit strange. I, um, I want you to, I, JEEZUS this is hard." My normally direct husband rarely stumbles like this, so I sat on the bed and gave him a little time.

"What's up baby? What's bothering you? Just tell me" I gently asked him.

"I want you to have sex with Mikey while I'm gone this weekend" he blurted out finally.

"WHAT? ARE YOU ON DRUGS?" I replied incredulously.

"No, no, I'm not on drugs Chelsea" he replied. "I was going to ask you about this all week and kept chickening out, so I planned to bring it up tonight after we went to bed. Mikey's still a virgin and I want you to take his virginity and turn him into a man this weekend."

I sat dumbfounded for a moment. My confusing turning to anger. "I'm not a whore Greg. I know we do everything and I sometimes get pretty wild, even dirty, but it's between us. I'm not going to be pimped out to your brother.

"Of course not Chels!" He pleaded. "Please don't be angry. I know you're not a whore and I'm not asking you to be one."

Before he could get his next sentence out I charged ahead "if this is some damn Peterson family tradition and I'm supposed to service all the males when they come of age like that girl in that story we read on Literotica last week, you should have told me BEFORE we got married" I said accusingly. "I think we need to stop spending so much time on that site."

"No, no, no babe, nothing like that! Jeez this is all coming out wrong" I could hear a sense of anxiety and desperation in Greg's voice. "Please hear me out ok?"

I shook my head disgustedly. "Go on."

"Chels, I'm terrified. I'm afraid Mikey's going to die over in some shithole before he experiences life. I don't...I just don't want him to die a virgin." I could hear Greg softly sobbing. My own eyes teared up.

"Ok," I answered tenderly. "I get that. I'm scared too. I get where you're coming from, but I don't need to be the one. Let me call Shelley or Melissa, I'm sure that one or even both of them would be delighted to get their hands on a young hunk like Mike."

"NO!" My husband answered forcefully. "Shelley will eat him alive and Melissa, well, I'm sorry babe, I'd be afraid what Mikey might catch from her."

"Goddamitt Greg!" Melissa is not some crackwhore. I know she's wild, but..."

Greg cut me off "she's more than wild babe. Do you know that she slept with both Glen and Jaquin last New Years eve? They had a threesome. She gave them both the clap."

"Oh shit! I didn't know that! I mean, she is a bit of a skank, but gonorrhea?" I asked.

"Yes, look, I'm not judging Mel. She's a free agent and can do whatever she wants. I can't sit in judgment, but she did give them the clap and you know, she hasn't slowed down with the hookups at all. I mean she left the bar with a total stranger last week. But even if I felt comfortable with Melissa or if Shelley was willing, I want Mikey's first time to be with a loving, considerate, adventurous, and beautiful woman--not some man eater. You fit the bill in every way my love." Greg knows that flattery gets him everywhere.

"Babe, I just can't. I vowed to "forsake all others." I love Mikey, but when it comes to sex, he's in the 'all others' category. I'm sorry." I softly explained.

Greg grew quiet. "Please Chelsea" he sobbed. "Please just take this one hall pass on our vows. Think of the reason. It's a good one, not some wild excuse to get some strange. Please just think about it ok?"

My heart melted. I know my husband and I really understood where he was coming from, but he was asking a lot of me. "Ok, honey. I'll think about it tonight. I promise I'll think about it hard and from all angles. Can I let you know in the morning?"

"That's more than fair Chels" he responded. "I understand what I'm asking you to do and I promise I won't go ballistic or be jealous, only thankful. And, babe, I'll repay this favor in ways that you'll never forget."

"Slow down cowboy!" I bet he could see me grinning at him through the phone. "I haven't said 'yes' yet but I will think hard on it. Ok?"

"Ok baby." He said and I could almost feel his smile. "Thank you. I love you more than life itself."

"Well damn!" I joked. "How do I say 'I love you more' after that?"

"I know you do honey. I love you. Call you in the morning." And with that my loving husband hung up.

I sat on the bed shaking my head. What a strange request! Could I actually sleep with another man? I was sure that the answer was 'no' but in the back of my mind something was telling me not to think of it that way, to think of it as a way that I could honor my husband's serious, almost sacred request.

I had no answers just then, so I went into the bathroom for a quick pee and freshened up. Taking a deep breath, I went back downstairs. I wasn't going to say anything to Mikey tonight because I hadn't made up my mind yet. As much as I didn't want to have sex with anyone but Greg, I didn't want to let my husband down on something so important to him. But cheating is something I absolutely despise. Don't get me wrong. I'm attracted to men, and I daydream from time to time about celebrities and acquaintances. I get hit on constantly when I'm alone and sometimes the guys are hot. But cheating on my Greg...never! But I didn't want to disappoint him either. I know he must have agonized over asking me and that his reasons were noble. But another man's cock in my pussy...I sighed and pulled myself together and went down to join Mikey.

As I came down the stairs I called out "I'm starving Mikey. Want to go out? We planned to take you to our favorite Mexican place. Is that good for you?"

"Perfect! I we don't get much in the way of good Mexican or Tex Mex the mess hall" Mikey answered.

We got in my car. MY FUCKING CAR! Greg had given it to me a few years ago. When he showed up with it I almost punched was a hunk of junk. But he lovingly restored it and now I get to drive around in a cherry 1972 Malibu convertible!

I drove to the restaurant with the top down and Mikey and I just enjoyed the pleasurable weather on the way.

The co-owner Maria was at the hostess stand when we walked in.

She greeted us cordially. "Hi Chelsea! Always good to see you. Where's your handsome husband tonight?"

"He's been called into work" I answered. "Maria, this is Greg's brother Mike. He's visiting with us before he ships out for his deployment."

"Ships out?" Maria asked. "Navy?"r"


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